Call for expression of interest for APROFORT sub-grants

APROFORT sub-grants are awarded in form of financial support directed to the implementation activities and initiatives that converge with APROFORT’s main expected results:

  1. The abolition of the death penalty.
  2. The effective protection of activists, organisations, and vulnerable minority groups.
  3. Increased compliance with Anti-Corruption, Human Rights, and the Sustainable Development Goals

The sub-grants will be dedicated to financing activities of NGOs and individuals based in Equatorial Guinea who in the exercise of their regular activities contribute to one or more of the following objectives:

  1. Development of studies and/or reports on sustainable development goals (SDGs), anti-corruption, good governance, or human rights;
  2. Assistance to women and girls who are discriminated against because of sexual extortion or for being pregnant.
  3. Assistance to the LGBTI community.
  4. Awareness campaigns on discrimination against the LGBTI community.
  5. Awareness-raising of institutions on human rights and good governance.
  6. Support for artistic and cultural events and initiatives on human rights or good governance.

APROFORT gives preference to activities that will support existing plans or projects. This could be the case of an activity that would need to be increased or an activity that was suspended and can be retaken.

The type of activities may include internal trainings and capacity building, travel costs to events, seminars, awareness raising campaigns on human rights or corruption such as Anticorruption Day (9 Dec) or Human Rights Day (10 Dec) or international women’s day 8 Mar).

Who can apply?

  1. Formal national CSOs in coalition or individually
  2. Informal groups of activists
  3. Schools or training schools
  4. Teachers and researchers
  5. Artists, theatre companies, or any other groups or individuals working on the cultural sector

Selection Procedure

STAGE 1: Expression of Interest – Deadline for submission is October 23rd 2020

Applicants should send their expression of interest filling the form online or by email indicating very briefly who is requesting the funds and a short description of the activity.

APROFORT team will shortlist the best ones and invite the promoters to submit a full concept.

The purpose of this process is to remove the burden for many CSOs to develop long and heavy proposals. Therefore, this process makes it very light at the beginning and only requests more details to the ones shortlisted.

STAGE 2: Full Concept Note & Budget

The shortlisted applicants in Stage 1 are requested to present a full concept note and detailed budget using a specific template provided by APROFORT. This stage will close by the November 17th.

Please apply for the sub-grants via this link. You can find more information about the sub-grants selection awarding procedures here. If you prefer, you can download the application form and send it to [email protected].

Amounts & Payment

The total envelope for the APROFORT subgrants is 40,000 Euros. The maximum sub-grant amount is 10,000 Euros.

The selection criteria for these sub-grants have been approved together with the EU during the signing of the APROFORT contract and we hope to be able to support as many activities as possible.

The selected sub-grantees will sign a contract with TI-PT and receive the payments according to the proposed workplan and timeline:

  • Kick-off (when the contract is signed): 50%
  • Mid-Term (during the implementation of activities): 40%
  • Final Payment (after the successful completion of the activities and the presentation of the narrative report): 10%


Stage Deadline
Expression of Interest October 23rd 2020
Assessment of applications October 31st 2020
Invitation to submit Full Concept Note & Budget to shortlisted applicants November 10th 2020
Submission of Full Concept Note & Budget November 17th 2020
Signing of sub-grants contracts with elected applicants December 1st 2020


APROFORT: “Support, protection and strengthening of civil society activists and organisations in their work to promote human rights” in Equatorial Guinea is a new project implemented by Transparência e Integridade (TI-PT).

The two-year project that started in April 2020 and is funded by the EU, aims to provide support, protection and capacity building to civil society activists and organisations working in the promotion of human rights and good governance in Equatorial Guinea through three axes: support, protection and strengthening

The support will be provided through sub grants to local civil society organisations so that, in the performance of their functions, they can execute activities in line with APROFORT. This support will include awareness raising activities in collaboration with cultural organisations.

The protection for activists will be provided to those who are harassed due to their work. A legal clinic was stablished in Malabo for those directly attacked.  Furthermore, the protection work stream pays special attention to the right to education of women and girls, helping those sexually extorted and those banned from attending school due to pregnancy. Finally, protection is also provided to the LGBTI community whenever they are not treated as human beings.

The strengthening of capacities of CSOs will focus, firstly, in personal protection of activists on how to prevent risk situations as well as protocols if these risks occur, and secondly, training on research and producing reports for international monitoring mechanisms, such as the United Nations Human Rights Committee, the United Nations Convention for Against Corruption, or the Sustainable Development Goals. These capacities will be backed by an Observatory on Human Rights and Governance that will produce reliable data for the reports.

About Transparency International Portugal

Transparência e Integridade (TI-PT) is the Portuguese Chapter of Transparency International global coalition against corruption. Established in September 2010 is an accredited Non-Governmental Development Organization, Civil Society Focal Point (CSFP) for the Community of Democracies, and a member of Tax Justice Network.

TI-PT is the only NGO working in Portugal on research, information sharing and awareness-raising about the causes and consequences of corruption and poor governance. Advocating for public transparency and accountability on behalf of a more participatory and inclusive democracy, develops projects and practical tools to foster civic monitoring and engagement towards integrity, human rights, and sustainable development.