The general objective is to provide support, protection and capacity building to civil society activists and organisations working in the promotion of human rights and good governance.

This will be measured by the achievement of three primary results:

  • The abolition of the death penalty.
  • The effective protection of activists, organisations, and vulnerable minority groups.
  • Increased compliance with the UN Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development and Human Rights.

An improvement in human rights and governance in the country will come through the protection of activists, women and LGBTIQ+ members, as well as the strengthening of civil society in both areas. A stronger civil society can hold the government accountable and push for reforms.

Support, Protection
and Strengthening

The project will be developed based on three fundamental axes: support, protection of activists and strengthening.

The support will be provided through sub grants to local civil society organizations so that, in the performance of their functions, they can execute activities in line with APROFORT. This support will include awareness raising activities in collaboration with cultural organizations.

The protection for activists will be provided to those who are harassed due to their work. A legal clinic will be designed for those directly attacked.  Furthermore, the protection work stream will pay special attention to the right to education of women and girls, helping those sexually extorted and those banned from attending school due to pregnancy. Finally, protection will also be provided to the LGTBQ community whenever they are not treated as human beings.

The strengthening of capacities of CSOs will focus, firstly, in personal protection of activists on how to prevent risk situations as well as protocols if these risks occur, and secondly, training on research and producing reports for international monitoring mechanisms, such as the United Nations Human Rights Committee, the United Nations Convention for Against Corruption, or the UN Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development. These capacities will be backed by an Observatory on Human Rights and Governance that will produce reliable data for the reports.

Gender Equality

The Legal Clinic will establish mechanisms that are sensitive to the type of cases that are received based on gender discrimination. Extremely high priority will also be given to women activists in the legal assistance or assistance provided.

The Observatory of Human Rights and Good Governance will develop indicators on the impact of human rights violations and corruption on women in a differentiated manner.

The training of social organisations will prioritise gender equality organisations to conduct studies and draft reports.